Chapter 7

Sarah's POV

As I was so self-conscious, I was trying to read the expressions of other people and was surprised that I had never collected so many admiring male glances in half an hour and shockingly did not get so many disapproving female ones.

Maybe I was not looking that bad but I still didn't intend to wear such a dress in my life again.

" Don't make faces as if you have sacrificed yourself for me you are looking absolutely gorgeous and don't tell me you have not realized how many men are looking at you. Enjoy their admiring glances. " She said.

" Then why are you dressed like me in that demure, simple, and elegant dress?? I know what are you up to... Dressed as if you are a plain and simple girl next door and I am some kind of half-crazy, brainless bimbo or some scarlet woman" I said.

" What are you saying? Don't exaggerate so much! I don't like to wear such boring clothes but I am just following the instructions of Nate's Mom. She chose this boring dress for me. " She replied.

" I am feeling awkward with men ogling me, let's change the dresses. You are not happy with what you are wearing and it's the same here, let's change the dresses and get comfortable. " I suggested, but she ignored me.

" Let me tell you that I hate you for putting me through this situation and especially, making me wear this obnoxious dress. " I said and she gave me her cutest smile, I ignored it and went to meet her future family. His mom saw me and clenched her jaw.

" Sanya?? What are you wearing? Can't you understand simple instructions?? I told you to wear the dress I got for you. What is your problem? " Nate's mom said in so pleasing tone.

I turned to look for Sanya but she was not around.

This girl... Ufff.

" Oh, good evening, Mrs. Smith, I am Sarah... Sanya is wearing what you got for her to wear. She is looking beautiful in that dress. You have an excellent choice. "

" Thanks, but I am shocked to see you dressed like this. You like to wear nice, stylish and elegant clothes. I have never seen you wearing such kind of clothes so what is so special today? " She asked.

" Sanya got this dress for me last year but I had never worn it, so she insisted I wear it. "

" I rather like your old demure look. I thought you would put some sense into your sister's mind that she should wear a more elegant and classic design, and here you are following her. But of course, it is your choice. Have a good time. " She said and went away looking for Sanya.

I took a deep breath and told myself that it was okay, it doesn't matter what Mrs Smith thinks about her.

But in reality, it did matter to me. I was bothered by the way men were looking at me.

It was a warm evening and I escaped to the terrace. The drinks and snacks were served there as well as many guests were on the terrace due to the weather.

The eyes of my new male admirers were following me and the women were glaring at me.

I swear, I had no idea that being a siren was such hard work thank god I had no ambition in that direction. This one time was making me lose my mind.

Why was the time passing so slowly? I had looked at the clock thrice in the last 15 minutes. I was just trying to kill time and wanted this night to be over.

I was already tired of looking like that and even my feet were aching as I was not used to wearing high heels.

So I slipped off my shoes and walked to the edge of the terrace.

While I was standing there looking out across the shadowed garden I heard a familiar voice and felt a pair of strong arms around my waist.

" Sanya, my love, I have been looking for you and you are standing here alone? " It was Nate.

" Er... Sorry, Nate, I am afraid that I am Sarah, not Sanya. " I turned immediately and said.

" Oh, I am extremely sorry, but you are looking exactly like Sanya. " He looked shocked and embarrassed.

In normal conditions, I would have been amused but I was already annoyed with the situation.

" It's ok!!"

" I am sorry, I mean, normally you don't look so much alike, I can always make out a difference, have never made a mistake in recognizing both of you, but you are looking so... different... absolutely like her. " He was explaining out of embarrassment.

" So is it a compliment or comment?? " I teased him a bit.

" O...of course, a compliment. " He replied but I knew what was he thinking.

" Though it rather looked like a backhanded comment, I am ready to take it as a compliment. Because I like you and you are going to be my brother very soon." I said.

" I am sorry, Sarah. I didn't mean to... "

" I know, you didn't mean to, just don't do it again. " I interrupted his awkward sentence. He nodded.

" I am sorry, I thought you were her you are wearing her dress, she had brought this dress with me. So I... Sorry. " He said.

" No, anyone would have thought so in the situation. " I said.

" Do you mind telling me, why are you wearing this dress, it's not your style. Your hair makeup... Everything is different. Why? " He asked.

Oh, God!

" She has been telling me that I dress like an old woman, so I have been trying it for a week now. I could not resist trying to be a sensual and wanted woman. " I replied.

" Oh!! Ok! You are looking very good. Er...Have you seen Sanya?"

" Your Mom was looking for her, just like you she also thought that I was Sanya and scolded me for what I was wearing. So maybe Sanya is with her. " I replied.

" Please, don't mind what my mom says. She has been born in the wrong century and is adamant about staying out of date. " Nate admitted cheerfully. I just smiled politely.

" It's ok, I didn't mind her saying anything to me. She was just giving her views. " I assured him.

He gave me a brilliant smile and excused himself when he saw more guests coming in but before he could leave, his guest seemed to see us and came towards us.

" Good evening, Chris. " Nate said looking over my shoulder.


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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.