Chapter 3

A few days back...

I was in the kitchen thinking of cooking breakfast when my sister came in.

She brought my favourite cake and a few more delicacies like croissant, churros and doughnuts from my favourite bakery.

What happened to her??

She was already awake and went all the way to that bakery, just to get all those things only for me??

This was totally not her...

She was so health conscious and always gave me lectures that I ate too much unhealthy food.

But I was a foodie and cakes were my first love.

" Good morning, Sarah. "  Sanya said.

" Good morning!! Did the sun rise in the west today?? "  I asked.

"  Don't be mean... I just got all this for you. " She said.

" Hmmm, I can see that, but the question is why?? Please, don't waste time and come to the point. "  I said, taking a bite of churros.

" Um...er... I want you to help me."  She said.

" What, again?? What have you done now??" I asked.

It would be an understatement if I would say that she had a hobby of attracting problems in her life.  I don't know how and why but she was always in some problem or the other.

" What is it this time?? Want me to apologise someone sincerely on your behalf or go for shopping with your would-be mother-in-law as you don't like going with her. " I asked again.

"  Oh, I wish it was so simple but...  This time it is a bit more complicated than that.

Though she was my identical twin our family and close friends could make out some differences between us.

I have always been more calm and logical out of the two.  My moods and emotions were quite normal while she had a wild streak in her personality and had mood swings. But I loved her a lot and had a feeling that she was my sister and it was my responsibility to take care of her.

She had been quite notorious and rebellious in her childhood  but has changed a lot since she fell in love with Nate.

Though Nate is a wonderful person but his mom is almost like a lady Hitler, with many rules and regulations. She didn't want him to marry Sanya because of her past behaviour and her wild streak. She was a very disciplined lady and wanted a replica of herself as her daughter-in-law.

In all she was a difficult woman to deal with and I was sure that she would not hesitate to break their relationship. In fact, she was waiting to get such a chance where she could point out to her son that he made a mistake in selecting his life partner and he must amend his mistake by breaking up with her.

" Don't tell me that you are getting cold feet?? Listen, it is common, some times the bride or groom gets wedding jitters or second thoughts, whether they really want to go ahead with this or not. But please don't take any decision in haste as Nate is a wonderful man, in fact, the best thing that has ever happened to you. Don't let your relationship get ruined, just because you do not cope very well with his mother. " I said to her.

" It is not me who is having second thoughts, it would be him having them when his cousin would tell him everything he saw."  She replied.

" His cousin?? "  I asked.

" Chris! "

"  But why?? Where does his cousin came between you?  And what could his cousin possibly tell Nate to make him break his engagement?? " I asked.

" He is something else... narrow minded, bigoted, and the most notorious playboy of the city. I swear, he is just waiting for me to do something wrong so that he could make him break our engagement. " She said looking tense.

" Why would he do that to his cousin? " I asked.

" You know what ? He asked me out once, but I refused him in front of his friends, so he would humiliate me in front of everyone."  She said.

" But it is not in his hand to cancel the wedding and Nate loves you a lot. First of all, Nate is not a child who would agree to do everything his cousin will say and the second thing is that, he is already besotted with you, adores you. "  I tried to make her understand.

" No, you are not getting my point. " She said.

" That's probably because you are not explaining it well. Please tell me everything, so that I can understand your problem only then we can find a way out of it."
I replied.

" Chris saw me kissing James. "  She replied.

" What?? When?" I asked out of shock. Why did she kiss her ex boyfriend?

" A few nights back. " She said with her eyes shut closed. 

" Are you out of your mind? Why did you kiss James, when you are engaged to Nate??"  I almost yelled at her.

" He kissed me, I was drunk, Anyway It's not only that... "  She said casually.

" Oh my God!! There is more?? "  I asked.

" Y.yes... I was drunk at that time and I think, I flirted with Chris as well. But fortunately my friend saw me and she pulled me away from there before he could say anything. " she told me.

I had started to understand what she was saying and my heart almost sank.

" You flirted with Nate's cousin?? How could you be so stupid?? "  I was shocked beyond my limit.

" Say whatever you want, but please, get me out of this situation. "

" What do you expect me to do?? Erase his memory with some magic wand?? "  I asked annoyed as hell.

" No!! I want you to pretend that it was you, he saw in the club, and the one who kissed James and flirted with him. "  She offered hesitantly.

" What nonsense! I would not do any such thing. " I replied.

" Please...you know only you can save me from this situation. " she pleaded.

" I can't kiss and flirt random men in a club. You know that I have never been in a relationship till now. "  I said, still shocked with her weird request.

" You don't have to repeat all that, just have to act like me. "  She suggested.

" No!!"

" Please, do me this favour otherwise, Chris will definitely tell Nate about me and Nate would break up with me. I am not like you, I don't want a career, I want to get married and settle down quietly and comfortably with Nate. "  She pleaded me.

" I can't help it, you should have thought of consequences before doing all those stupid things. "  I shook my head.

" It was a mistake, actually James asked me to meet one last time and I had only gone to tell him that everything was over between us because I love Nate now. But he must have added vodka in my juice. And asked for a last dance for old times sake and I could not refuse him that. Then all of a sudden he kissed me. I was not in my senses and thought it was Nate who kissed me. I swear, nothing else happened. But then Chris pulled me out of his arms and as I was drunk, I flirted with Chris as well. He is so damn hot! I was not iny senses but he is not going to forgive me for that, they have a perfect reason to break this alliance. " She explained.

" What do you exactly want me to do?? "  I asked her after taking a deep breath.

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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.