Chapter 2

Sarah's POV

Following the instructions, I reached the cabin.  Another secretary as elegant as the girl downstairs was waiting for me.

" Ms Jones?" She asked, I nodded.

"  This way, please." She said and knocked softly on a door and opened it for me. I walked into the big cabin decorated very tastefully though everything seemed to be very masculine and extremely expensive.

He was sitting behind a huge mahogany table.

" Yes, Ms. Jones?? May I know what brings you here? "  He asked.

" Oh, how innocent!! But I will not waste time, since you are short of it, I got a notice from your solicitor that you want me to replace your car that... I damaged it outside the club a few nights back. "  I reminded him.

" That's right!! So have you come to settle the compensation?? " He asked casually.

" Mr. Banks, I can't afford to replace the new car. It is extremely expensive, I can't afford it. "  I replied politely.

"I am sorry, but what can I do in that matter? As you damaged it,  you are supposed to replace it."  He said as a teacher talk to a child as if he was asking me to bring a box of chalk just because I took a few out of them to play.

" Mr. Banks, please don't be unreasonable, it was a slight accident. Nothing serious!! " I argued.

" A slight accident?? Is it how you describe several thousand pounds worth of damage?? What do you expect me to do??  " he asked tauntingly.

Of course!! He got a chance to get even with me.  He was just trying to make me realize that he was the one who called the tune.

"   The damage could not be so severe. Though you can easily claim the insurance, I can pay for the damage.  And whatever else is there, I will pay for it. "  I replied.

" Not acceptable... " He said firmly.

" What? " 

" Your request is not acceptable to me. You damaged my brand-new Bentley. I want another one of the same model and the same color. Exactly as I had. I will not use a damaged car, you will have to replace it. "  He was adamant.

" But I can't afford it. "

" Do you think, that is my problem?? You should have thought of it before damaging my car. "  He shrugged.

" I didn't damage it on purpose, It was very late and the lights were dim, I mean, the parking lot was not very well lit. I banged your car into yours by mistake while I was taking my car out of the parking.  but I was driving slowly, I am sure it could not have caused much of a damage. " I retorted.

" It was a brand new car, I don't want a repaired one, I want an absolutely new one exactly as it was at that night. "  He said with a smirk.


" Please, at least consider that we are going to be relatives very soon. "  I tried to remind him of our family connection.

" Relatives?? Do you think, Nate's family will accept your sister in their family if they get to know about the little stunt  you performed at the club??" He asked with a smirk.

" Mr Banks, I request you not to do this to them, they both are madly in love with each other. " I said and he smiled sarcastically.

" I don't care. You can ask your sister or your beloved brother-in-law to lend you money, I am sure he can do that much to save his favorite sister-in-law. "  He again smiled sarcastically and I wanted to slap him as I knew what he was thinking and taunting about.

" I can't ask for money from him. "I replied.

" Why not?? "

" I have my reasons. " I replied.

" Tell me some of them. "

" That doesn't concern you. "  I was annoyed as hell.

" Yes, right!!  My concern is that you should replace my car. And if you don't do it, then you will have to fight the case in court. " He shrugged. 

" Okay, I will pay it but in installments, I can't pay in lump sum."  I came out with another option.

" No!! "  But he would not be a devil, a satan and a Lucifer combined in one body if he had agreed.

" The installments will include the interest as well, of course.  "  I added.

" Not interested, in the installment plan, don't want your Interest as well. I will not wait to have my car back in years. "  He replied without even thinking.

" Be reasonable!! How can I pay if I don't have money?? "  I asked.

" Your family or friends can help you. "

" I can't ask for help from my parents. "

" Well, you should have thought of the repercussions of your actions that night. " He retorted.

" I am sorry for what happened at the club. "

" Sorry for just what happened at the club?? What about what happened in the garden and the washroom of the restaurant? "  He reminded the encounters I wanted to forget forever.


" I beg to differ, you should be sorry for what happened in both those places. "  I retorted glaring at him.

" I am not at all apologetic about either of them. I thoroughly enjoyed the little encounters there. "  He winked and smirked.

God, please send me a loaded gun. Killing a devil is not considered a sin, right??

" Can we please talk about the damage I caused to your car? Be reasonable, Mr. Banks. "

" Well, if you genuinely can't repay me in cash, I am prepared to take another form of payment... "


How dare he suggest something like that? This is too much.

" If you think I will agree to have sex with you in return for you to drop the charges, you are highly mistaken. " I burst out rashly.

" Well, I don't want you to sleep with me, not interested in a one-night stand. That would not pay for such an expensive car. " He smiled.

" Then what are you suggesting?"

" I want you to be my mistress, I  want you to move in with me, you can think of yourself as my girlfriend, if it helps you better at night. "  He said and I slapped him.

He was shocked for a few seconds then he smiled sarcastically.

" Awww... Feisty one. I like feisty women. They are more fun in bed. Anyway, that's the only possible way you can save yourself from legal action. "  He said.

" I would rather die than be your girlfriend. I would prefer living in jail than moving in with you. Fine, Mr. Banks, rest assured, I will repay the money worth the damages to your car. My lawyer will take care of the court procedure. "  I felt adrenaline rushing through my body.

"  How may I know are you going to manage that?? "  He asked.

" That's none of your concern. Even if I have to sell everything I own, I will manage it. " 

" Don't you think that moving in with me and enjoying making passionate love with me can be much more comfortable and enjoyable than going through all those tortures? "  He said.

" Being in your company for more than five minutes is the biggest torture. " I replied.

"But you seemed to be enjoying it every time we managed to get alone. I still remember your moans and shudder. Oh, do you, by chance, get the pleasure in being tortured ?? "  He smirked.

" You... I must have been mad for coming here hoping that you could think reasonably. You are a devil who doesn't have a heart. Goodbye, Mr. Banks. My solicitor will reply to your notice. "  I said and came out of there without a backward glance.

I was sitting in my car and my body was shivering with anger.

How could he suggest me to move in with him??

What does he think of me??

Frustrated tears were flowing from my eyes. I couldn't believe, that all that had really happened or it was just a very bad dream.

I wanted to scream at the top of my voice.

How did I manage to fall into this ditch? I should not have helped Sanya.

I was cursing the day, when I agreed to help her.

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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.