Chapter 9

Srusti's POV

" So Let's get to know about each other. " Mohit said.

" Ok... "

" I am Mohit Paul," he said smiling at me.

" I know.... "

" Go with the flow... "

" Hmm ok... Srusti Mehra. "

" I am 29 years old. "

"  23. "

" My favourite colours are black and red. "

" Pastel colours... Red and Black too. Actually no preference... "

" I like all cuisines. "

" I like Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Italian... "

" Hey, can you cook all of them too??"

" Yeah... "

" Wow !!! "

" My favourite holiday destination is Paris. "

" I have never been out of India. But I liked travelling when my parents were alive. We went to various parts of India. I feel India is beautiful... "

" Yes, it is... Undoubtedly. "

" I am a fashion designer. "

" Wow !! Seriously??  What do I say?? I cook for a fashion designer?? " I asked and he smiled at that.

" I know that tell me something else."

" Ok, I sing well and wanted to be a singer. Would have become if my parents... " I said.

" Really??  But you can still pursue your dreams. "

" Let it be... " I said as I didn't want to talk about it.

" Srusti... you said, you would tell me why you left your home in such a haste. " He said all of sudden.

" Can't we talk about it later?? "

" Please... Tell me. "

" I... My... Sister's husband... tried to... to force... himself on me. " I said with my eyes closed.

" What?? Why didn't you tell me that day?? We should have complained about him. We should have filed an FIR. "

" No, my sister is pregnant and her condition is a bit difficult. I don't want to give her any added stress. "

" But you should have at least given her a hint. "

" I tried but she trusted him over me. A few days back, he tried to touch me and before I could say or react to anything, my sister saw us. He said that I was trying it. " I said and tears started flowing from my eyes.

" Oh please,  dear don't cry. " He wiped my tears and asked me what happened after that. I told him everything till I got hit by him.

I saw that he was really getting angry. But he tried to soothe me.

" Wow !! You are brave... By the way, how nasty was the gash?? "

" I think it was bad enough... He cursed loudly. I didn't wait to see him,  just pushed him hard and ran to my room. When I thought that everyone was sleeping, I ran away. "

"  Good !!  He deserves that and much more,  I would break his all teeth if I ever see him. " He said looking at me.

" Thanks... " I said and smiled.

"  Now go and sleep, I will plan everything and let you know... "

" You also take some rest... "

" No, I have to do the arrangements for your meeting with my family. "

" But you haven't slept a wink since yesterday. You must sleep now. " I said with concern.

" You know what?? You are already talking like a wife. All we have to do is a little practice. " He said and flashed a smile at me.

" Practice for what?? "

" To look like, as if we are in love. "  He said with a somewhat naughty but uncertain smile.

" How can we practice that look ?? " I asked with an eyebrow raised.

" We should be comfortable with each other's touch. They would expect us to behave, how a normal couple do when they are in love. "

" How do they behave?? "

" Errr... They hold hands or embrace each other or some other kind of romantic gestures like being in each other's arms or even...  kissing," he said a bit hesitantly.

Has he lost it completely??? Actually, I think so... But no way...

" What?? No way... "

" No way ??? What ?? "

" What?? I can't do all that. I am not comfortable doing all that. "

" But then how would we convince them?? "

" What do you mean how would we convince them?? I would meet them and we would say that we are in love. As it is who does all those kind of activities in front of their parents or family? That is just so embarrassing. No that is out of question.  "

" Where did you come from, dear? We are not doing anything abnormal or out of the box. This would be expected from us if we are in love. "

" No, but even if I was in love for real, I would rather die but not kiss in front of my parents. No that is out of question. Holding hands is fine and at the most, you can hug me. Nothing more. "

" But... "

" No !!  No way. I can't do that. "

" But my family would not be convinced if we don't display our affection. "

" No... I am not comfortable with that. "

" Ok, we will find a way to make you comfortable. Don't worry. "

" What way ?? "

" Let's practice kissing. You would be comfortable then. "

" What ?? Forget about it. " I pushed and glared at him. I started going towards my room. I didn't want him to look at me as I knew my face was burning.

He started laughing like a child. 

" Ok ok sorry... I was just kidding. Wait sorry..." He said but I went to my room. He came after me.

" Please, I am sorry ok. I was kidding. But we need to look as if we are in love. "

" Yeah...  But I still feel that it is wrong. We should not do it. Family is the most important thing in one's life. We should not lie to them. They are your family, they would want only the best for you. "

" But they don't understand what I want... "

" Then find someone you want. Get married to her. You are such a nice man, you deserve happiness. Please, give yourself another chance.

" I just want them to leave me alone and let me live my life the way I want.  But they are forcing me to do what they want. I just love them a lot but hate them for being after my life like this. I would do anything if they just leave me alone. "

" I don't know... I  would give anything to have my family back with me. Ask me, I lost them in a blink of an eye. I miss them a lot. I would have done anything for them.  "  I said.

" I understand what you are saying, dear... But they are really after my life. They are using every trick to get me married. "

" So what's wrong in that?? They want you to settle down and have a blissful and blessed life. If you don't like girls they force you to meet and choose from,  then you must find another girl of your choice. "

" No, my happiness lies elsewhere. But as much as I want to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life, it is not possible now. So I can't marry another person and spoil our lives. "

" But if you feel so strongly for her, why didn't you tell her or your family?"

" Please let it be... I don't want to marry anyone. "

" But you can't spend your whole life like this. You would need someone in your life at one point in life. "

" Maybe but I just need to save my mom and daadi right now and then I want them to be rest assured that I am settled. "

" Life gives a second chance to everyone. Maybe you find someone with whom you want to settle down. Let's just say to your parents that we are in love. And we would get married in about 6 months or so and in the meanwhile, you can find someone. "

" No angel, I have asked for some time to settle down, many times. We have to get married before this month is over. They won't spare me this time. You don't know how stressed I was. "

" Ok, you know your parents better than me, so I would not argue over it."

" Thanks a lot, angel. You are a Sweetheart. "

" I want to help you, But I am not comfortable... I am not comfortable lying or pretending. I am too shy to display affection or the fact that we would be married for real.  "

Srusti's POV

" I want to help you, But I am not comfortable... I am not comfortable lying or pretending. I am a bit apprehensive of the fact that we would be married for real. I am too shy to display the affection  "

" Listen Srusti, Please just remember one thing that it is all just on paper. Legally we would be married but only for my family. No one else has to know that we are married. You may do whatever you want, I would not stop you from doing anything. Just pretend that we are in love in front of my family. We are friends and would remain friends here in this house. I would not try to claim my rights over you as a husband. You don't have to be my wife in any sense.  You know you are absolutely safe here. I won't even touch you here when we are alone if you are bothered about it. "

" I don't know... It looks fine...I know I am safe with you. I am not worried about that."

" Then what are you worried about??"

" I feel bad that we would cheat your family. "

" They left me with no option. They have been pestering me. I feel suffocated now. I tried talking to them I even said that I don't want to marry but they are very stubborn. "

" But why me?? You said you are a designer you must be knowing many good-looking girls. You could have asked any one of them. I am sure they would have agreed and they would have been much more presentable. "

" No, most of them are already flirting with me. A few of them even want to get married to me. They don't care about me they want me for my money, connections and looks. I don't want to marry any of them. "

" But I could be like them... You don't know me. "

" You are not like them, I know it from here. You are a  cute, caring and adorable girl with a beautiful face and an even more beautiful heart. "

" Mohit Ji..."

" Ji... mat kaho na( don't call me Ji). "

" Ji ?? What ?? "

" Just Mohit is fine. " He said making weird faces and I smiled.

" So all set now ?? Do you have any other questions. Please feel free to clear any doubt. " He said.

"  Are you sure this marriage would solve your problems?? "

"  Yes, Most of them... Thank you.  "

"  But, what if... "

"  What if ?? " He asked. 

" What if I... I mean... I get emotionally involved... "

" Oh, I understand... If you ever get emotionally attached to anyone, I would not stop you. Please let me know if you fall for anyone, I would understand. You are such a young and beautiful girl, you might feel attracted to someone at some point in time and would not like to remain in this paper marriage. I would let you go if you would want.

You don't have to hold yourself in this marriage. I would not even question you. It's your life, you are free to do whatever you want. Just be discreet about it. "

" What??? I didn't understand... " What was he talking about??

" I am saying that you can live your life the way you want just my family should not know about it. They should think that we are happily married to each other. I would not mind If You have feelings for someone else. I don't care or mind, what you do with your spare time.  Just keep the parents off my back.   "

" But it doesn't feel right to me. I don't know how to explain it...  But I am not comfortable with this. "

" About what?? I gave you all the liberties. You can do anything. Anything means anything... I won't stop you. You may spend your life the way you want. I would do the same. I would not question you and expect the same from you. If you need to introduce me as your husband somewhere, I would be there. But otherwise, we would not be bound or answerable to each other. "

" But isn't that weird?? What if we develop feelings for each other? Like we would be married and would have to pretend to be in love. " I asked.

" That would not happen, from my side at least... Rest assured of it, Sweetheart. I told you... I like someone else. "

" Yeah... You did. Ok, if you think, this paper marriage can get you out of your problem, then it is fine with me. "

" Don't think so much, I would take care of everything. You don't need to worry about anything, just chill and try your level best to convince my family that we are happy with each other. "

" Hmmm ok. "

" Thanks a lot, my angel. Now rest for some time, you also didn't sleep well last night. I need to go to my office, I have to make arrangements. "

He said and went out of my room. I kept thinking about what had happened in the last hour. My life had changed. I was going to marry that very hand man soon.

Was I dreaming?? Everything happened so fast. He asked me if I would marry him and then he even convinced me.

I don't believe that I just agreed to get married to him.

Like seriously?? Was I sleeping and having a dream or did this really happen?? I was going to be married to him ??  Married?? To him, who makes my heart goes crazy with just a smile??

Seriously?? Are you out of your mind?? What have you done?? My soul asked me.


Do you want to be bound in a loveless relationship??


Why?? Why did you agree to this paper marriage ?? My inner soul asked me.

I don't know... He asked all of a sudden. I just could not refuse. He looked shattered.

He is in love with someone else... You should not have accepted his proposal. What if he never forgets his love?? You would be stuck in it forever.

But he was so depressed. He was not even eating a decent meal. Mohit is a very nice man, I didn't want to see him like that.

Still what about you?? What if you develop some kind of feelings for him?? You already like him a lot!! Don't you ?? 8

No !! He is just very sweet. He helped me a lot. I just could not say no to him. He was pleading with me.

Every time, he smiles, your heartbeat increases. 

I will keep in mind that he loves someone else.

Ok... But Don't fall in love with him or you would repent. He would not be able to reciprocate your feelings.  My soul gave me a warning.

Hmmm, I will keep that in mind.

I decided to take a quick nap to clear my mind and I also wanted to look fresh in case I was going to meet his family.

I slept for about an hour and then I got ready and went to prepare lunch and breakfast for us.

Mohit's POV

I was feeling very relieved. Now I would marry Srusti and my family would be fine with it. Now I would be able to live my life as I want.

I must thank Srusti for that. She seems to be a nice and genuine girl. She must have waited for me so she could serve me food again. How sweet of her. I was surprised to see her sleeping on my couch in the sitting position. Her head was resting against the back of the couch.

I  didn't want to disturb her so I was taking out a glass and was filling it with a drink when she woke up.

She asked me about my family and microwaved food for me and made me eat it. I even shouted at her to leave me alone but she didn't and made me share my problem with her.

I really felt better after talking to her, it seemed that I was talking to Manu.  I wish, I could talk to her but could not give her tension. I was happy to have Srusti as a new friend.

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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.