Chapter 6

Srusti's POV

I woke up and saw that I was in a different room, it was a very well kept room. Where was I ??

I looked around and saw that I was in bed with a man.

A man ??? Oh my God !!!!

Who was he ?? Why were we in the same bed? I looked at myself my clothes were different. Looked like a man's clothes.

Oh god !! What happened??? I hope it's not...

I was scared and was about to cry anytime very soon.

The man was holding me in his arms, I pushed him very hard. He loosened his arm.

Oh, God !!  He was the most handsome man I had ever seen. Tall, fair, very handsome. But why and how were we in the same bed??

" Who are you??"  I asked getting out of the bed. But winced badly. Something was wrong with my foot, I was in pain. I was about to fall when he caught me.

" Leave me... who are you?? What am I doing here ?? " I pushed him with all my might.

He told me that his name was Mohit. I had an accident with his car. 

" Oh... Ok.. .but what are you doing here in bed with me?? " I was about to cry any moment now.

" Oh...hold on... It's not what it looks like. " He said with a shocked expression on his face.

" Then why were you and I in the same bed?? " I asked him. 

" You were really scared last night, I think you had a nightmare. You were crying like a child and when I tried to calm you down, you held me very tight like a child. So I could not leave. "

" My clothes??? Who changed my clothes??  I don't remember changing them??? " I asked as I  was still doubtful.

He told me that one of the ladies who work for him did that. He assured me that nothing happened between us. Somehow I trusted him.

He asked me why was I running like that in that heavy rain. But I didn't tell him. He asked me about my family as he said he wanted to inform them as they would be worried for me.

I wanted to cry at that. Family?? I denied that and he went to get ready for his work.

I had no family now. Nobody was looking for me. My parents died last year in a car accident. Since then  I was living with my sister and her husband. I didn't want to inform them as I was disgusted with the thought of going back there.

I had come to live with my sister and her husband when our parents died. My sister Preeti was 5 years older than me. She got married 4 years ago and was living in Delhi with her husband and a little boy who was almost 3 years old.

Everything was normal in the beginning but later on, things started to change.

My sister got pregnant again and her pregnancy was a bit difficult. She was stressed out and also had some other health issues. My sister's husband Gagan started behaving weirdly. He started to stare at me a lot and used to come very close to me while I was working in the kitchen or tried to caress my hand or arm.

I felt that it was not a casual accidental touch but a deliberate sexual touch. 

I started avoiding him but he kept doing things like that. My sister adored him like anything and would not have believed it if I had told her anything. So I kept avoiding him.

My sister was head over heels in love with him.  She was so beautiful and delicate that any man could go crazy about her just by looking at her just once and she was crazy about him.

Our parents were a bit reluctant about this marriage as he was not very well settled. But Preeti was hell-bent to get married to him. So my parents gave in.

After our parents died, we both inherited a fortune. My sister gave her share to her husband for him to invest in his business. I tried to tell her not to do that but she didn't even listen to me.

One day, my sister was taking a nap, when he came to my room and said that he had started to develop some feelings for me. I was shocked at his declaration.

How could he say that?? He said that he knows that I had mutual feelings for him.

What nonsense?? On the contrary, I loathed the man and found him vain and shallow. I was thoroughly irritated with him. I told him that I didn't feel any such thing for him. But he smiled at me and said that he knew better.

What did he mean by that?? I didn't understand at that time. Later that day, I tried to tell my sister about it but she was already stressed that Gagan was not paying full attention to her and there must be some other women he was getting interested in.

She started crying, must have been her pregnancy hormones but she was behaving strangely so I thought that it would be of no use.

Gradually, Gagan started making it obvious to me that he wanted me. But I told him that I didn't want him, he was just my sister's husband to me.

Last week I was in the kitchen and he came to get something and he pulled me in his arms. I was so shocked at the unexpected thing but I immediately pushed him hard but he was too strong for me.

My sister saw me struggling in his arms but when she asked what was going on, he said that I was trying to entice him. She was so blindly in awe with him that she immediately leapt to the conclusion that I did that.

How could she think that about me? I was her own blood for god's sake.

I tried my level best to make it clear to her but she said that I must not try to pull that stunt again.

She asked me to promise her that I would never look at her husband again.  I was shocked at her behaviour and for the whole week afterwards, there has been an awkwardness between us.

I didn't want her to take so much stress. She had collapsed after my parents' death. Her heart was weak. 

But last night I literally had it. My sister was a bit under the weather so she ate her dinner at around 8 PM and went to sleep.

I was also planning to complete my work in the kitchen and go back to the safety of my room but before I could do that he caged me between the kitchen slab and himself. He placed his arms on the slab to stop me from escaping.

I was so scared but I tried to keep my cool and told him to step back. He gave me a lustful look and laughed.

" Do you think you can stop me? "

" Step back or I will call Preeti. "

" As if she is going to listen to you... "

" She will this time. "

" Try your luck. Let's see who wins this match. " He said and bent towards me. It was the last straw. Enough was enough !!

I panicked and saw a knife on the slab. I grabbed it and held it between us.

" Leave me alone or I would kill you. " I said glaring at him.

But he smirked and shrugged as if he was sure that I would not be able to stop him.

He bent further and his filthy lips were about to touch my skin. I was angry beyond my limit and I attacked him with the knife.

He got a deep gash on his forearm. He was flabbergasted at that and he stepped back in shock and pressed the gash with his other hand. I ran out of the kitchen and stopped only after I shut the door of my room.

I threw a few clothes, my personal belongings, my important documents and all the money I had in a bag and stayed in my room till I was sure that he had gone to his room.

It was about 10:30 PM, I peeped out and felt that no one was awake so I came out of the room, placed a letter on the dining table,  Saying goodbye to her as I didn't want to be a burden on them and thanking her for sheltering me for so many days. I also told her to take care of herself and that I would call her soon once I settle down in my life.

Srusti's POV

I knew my sister will see it in the morning as she always got up before her husband. I was still holding that big knife in case he comes back.

I came out of the house and closed the doors. Just then I saw that it was raining. I had not taken any umbrella, but I could not go back inside. I planned to stay there till the rain stopped but all of a sudden I heard a sound coming from inside and I knew that I had to run away.

I ran with my full speed to avoid any encounter with that disgusting man. I wanted to get as far away as possible from him.

So I kept running and all of a sudden I was in front of a car and before I could do anything, it hit me hard.

And once I opened my eyes I was in bed with that extremely handsome man him holding me protectively.

He looked so concerned about me. He was talking so nicely. But my mind said that I must not trust him or anyone for that matter.

I had to leave here but there was a lot of pain in my foot. I could not even walk properly.  He asked me to stay there only.  I thanked him and decided that I would go away as soon as I can walk properly.

He even offered that he could drop me at home but I could not go there after last night. I told him that I left my house yesterday.

" But if you left your home last night, where will you go?? "  He asked but I had not decided yet.

Just the thought of that house made me feel disgusted.

Later on, he even offered me a job to cook all his meals for him.  In return, I would get a salary and could stay at his home.

I was surprised by his offer, he didn't know anything about me and still, he said that I could live in his house and offered me a job. When I said that to him he said that I can cook a meal and if he likes it, I would get the job.

Seriously?? Could finding a job be so easy?? He didn't even know me... How could he trust me so easily??  Was he so sweet or he had some bad intentions about me??

But he was in bed with me last night, he could have done the worst if he wanted. But he took care of me. He opened his home for me. Me, a complete stranger to him ??

Maybe he is genuinely a nice man. Anyway, I didn't have any other options.

He left for his work. After some time I went to explore his home. It was very beautiful and comfortable.

Oh my God!!! Unbelievable !! He had a piano in his home. That was amazing...

I loved singing. Singing and cooking were my two favourite timepass. Everyone said that I could be a professional singer. I had participated in many competitions at my college and won many prizes.

I was very excited that he had a piano, did he sing or play it too?? He must be or why would he have it.

I went to his kitchen and saw that it equipped with all the home appliances I could think of and his pantry was well stocked. There was almost everything in his kitchen. I could prepare almost anything for the dinner.

I should have asked about his favourite food but I didn't think about it earlier. So as he eats fast food all the time, I think, I must prepare a proper Punjabi meal.

So I planned the dinner accordingly. Bye, the time it was 7 PM I had prepared Falafel, Hummus for the starters and Daal tadka, paneer butter Masala and a cold bean salad. I would serve it along with rice and hot chapati.

I was in my room when I heard someone coming in. I went out and saw him standing in his dining room, he was drinking water and was picking up the lids of the pots which had good in them.

" Good evening... I didn't know what was your preference so I made all this. "

" Wow !! The whole house is bursting with aroma. " He said with a smile and my heart skipped a beat.

" I hope you are not disappointed after eating this. I didn't know what kind of food you like or the spice level... " I was saying.

" Oh, I am sure, I would love it. But why did you cook today? You should have taken a rest. I could have ordered dinner for us. "

"  You didn't eat anything in the morning and then you must have eaten fast food, Moreover the helper lady who comes at night also did not turn up. So I thought that I must make food at home. "

" How thought full of you. Er... Which lady?? "

" The helper lady who comes at night to cook your food... The one, who changed my clothes yesterday. "

" Oh !! That... Yeah... She called up today and said that she has found another work near to her place so she won't come from now onwards... Sorry about that. "

" Oh no !! Why are you saying sorry?? I just wanted to thank her for helping me yesterday. "

" Oh, ok !! That is fine. I am sure, she had not mind it. " He was smiling but it seemed to be a bit naughty one.

" That's so sweet of her... " I smiled.

" Yeah... I will give her your message. But how is the pain in your foot?? "

" It is better, thanks... " I said and he nodded with a smile.

Oh God !!! He was so handsome... and whenever he smiled... My heart stopped for a second.  I had never seen any man as good looking as him. He went to change his clothes.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.  I scolded myself for being so stupid and ogling him like that. I was behaving as If I had a crush on him.

He came back in 5 minutes in nightwear that looked a designer one and highly expensive.

I served him Falafel and Hummus first. He was surprised to see it.

" Wow !!! You made them??  Let's try this. " He said and tried them. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The silence was killing me. I was looking at him, waiting for him to say something.

" Awesome...  Did you really made them?? " He asked. I smiled and nodded.

" Have some... Very good," he said and I shook my head but when he insisted I took one of the falafel. He smiled again.

Oh God !!! His smile is...

Shit !! Don't look at him.

I got up to warm the food.

" I must go and get food. "  I said and went into the kitchen before he said anything.

After about 5 minutes everything was on the table. He rubbed his hands and looked very excited to see the food.

" I can't wait now. Sit down let's eat," he said serving everything on his plate.

I felt a bit awkward in eating with him as most probably he was going to be my boss now.

He tasted the food but didn't say anything he kept eating it without saying anything. Every time he ate something he closed his eyes.

" 20 thousand!!! "

" What ??? "

"  Your salary... Is that ok with you?? "

" Are you kidding me?? "

" You want more?? No problem as far as I get this kind of food every day for all meals. "

" This is too much... I just cooked a meal for us. "

"  I spend much more than this on my meals and trust me they are not as good as this. "

" But... "

" No buts !! You are staying here and cooking awesome food for me. Why are you not eating?? "

" Ok! Tell me what you like and dislike.  I will make food accordingly."

I said serving food for myself.

" Thanks a lot. I had good food after many days. Ever since Manu is on leave, I have not had a single good home-cooked meal. I loved it. "

" Who is Manu... ? "

" Oh, she is my sweetheart. She used to bring food for me everyday day as she knew about my eating habits. " I felt a bit of disappointment after hearing that. But why??

" Oh, ok!  And your family ??" I asked.

" They are in Delhi only, but I wanted to live alone so I moved out. "

" Who are there in your family?? "

" My parents, my daadi ma and my elder sister who is married and lives with her husband and kids. "

" How nice... " I said and we silently had food.

I asked if he wanted something sweet but he refused, saying that he had already had too much. I smiled and went to the kitchen to wind up. 

" Thanks, beautiful, for the awesome food. " He said with his amazing smile.

Oh god !!! He smiled and called me beautiful as well...

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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.