Chapter 5

Mohit's POV

Manu had already gone on her honeymoon with her hot husband. I could not disturb her with my problems.

There was an unconscious girl in my house. I didn't know what to do about her.

I was getting tired and must have slipped into slumber when I heard a sound. A sound as if something had fallen on the floor. I got out of my bed and went to see the girl. She was shivering badly and was very restless.

I went close to her, she was still not awake but was muttering something as if she was having a bad dream.  She was perspiring like anything. Her forehead had tiny dots of it and she looked petrified and disgusted at the same time.

I tried to wake her up but I didn't know what to call her. I touched her on her shoulder and she pushed my hand away immediately and shrunk away from me.

" Don't touch me... don't come near me. I don't want you to touch me. Leave me alone... " She said with disgust in her low voice as she was still not awake. She was dreaming about something bad, the look on her face said it all. She was shivering badly now.

I was shocked to see her like that. She was a good looking girl of 21-22 years old. I don't know what had happened to her. But I wanted to take her pain away.

So I went closer to her and took her in my arms to soothe her. She tried to push me again but I patted her head and back as we calm a child.

" Shhh... It's ok... I am not going to hurt you... It's just a bad dream. Calm down. It's just a bad dream. No one will do anything to you. You are safe here.  You are safe with me. " 

She stopped struggling gradually as if my voice and gesture assured her that she was safe here with me. She clenched my t-shirt in her fists and clung to me like a scared child clings to her parent. She stopped shivering but it seemed that she has been weeping while sleeping. Her face was damp with her tears.

I didn't know if I should have stayed with her or not but she looked relaxed so I let her do it.  After some time I slipped into slumber again.


I felt that someone was pushing me very hard. Who was it?? Was I dreaming??

I opened my eyes and saw that I was holding a girl, who was in my clothes. She was scared and it seemed she was about to cry anytime very soon. My eyes were still dropping because I didn't sleep much last night.

Who was she?? Then I opened my eyes and looked at her again. The events from last night came into my mind. I loosened my arms around her immediately.

I had planned of going back to my room once she stopped shivering and relaxed but must have slept, I had slept like a log since I came here.

" Who are you??"  She asked getting out of the bed too suddenly. But winced badly as her foot was sprained and had scratched knees, her body must be aching due to the accident. She was about to fall when I caught her.

" Leave me... who are you?? What am I doing here ?? "

" I am Mohit Paul. This is my home. Last night we had an accident. It was raining and you were running and came in front of my car all of a sudden and was hit by my car. " I said looking at her. She was looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

" Oh... Ok.. .but what are you doing here in bed with me?? " She was about to cry any moment now.

" Oh...hold on... It's not what it looks like. "

" Then why were you and I in the same bed?? "

" You were really scared last night, I think you had a nightmare. You were crying like a child and when I tried to calm you down, you held me very tight like a child. So I could not leave"  she nodded then she must have realised that she was not wearing her own clothes.

" My clothes??? Who changed my clothes??  I don't remember changing them??? " She was still doubtful.

" Umm... one of the ladies who work for me. " I said to calm her down. She would have freaked out if I had told her that I did it.

" So nothing happened ?? " She asked me with hopeful eyes.

How sweet and innocent...

" Nothing at all... Be rest assured. " I smiled assuring her.

" You are telling me the truth?? "

" Why would I lie to you?? "

" I don't know... "

" Trust me... "

" Hmm... ok.. "

" So why were you running like that in that heavy rain?? " I asked her.

" That does not concern you... "

" I am curious, it was so late and was raining heavily. Why did you do that?"

" Why do you think, that I would tell you? "

" C'mon you got hit by my car, I brought you to my home. Called the doctor and then took care of you while you had that nightmare. You should tell me. "

"  I am thankful to you for your help and I am sorry that you had to go to all that trouble. But It is none of your business. Let it be. Please. "

" Ok, listen,  I need to inform your family, they must be worried about you. You didn't go home for the whole night.  please tell me their phone number, I will inform them. " I asked her but again she refused to tell me anything.

" Thanks but no thanks, no one is bothered about me. So there is no need for you to inform anyone. "

" What nonsense, your family must be worried as hell, they must be looking for you. "

" No !!! No, one is looking for me. My parents died last year in a car accident. "

" Oh, I am sorry... So who do you live with?? " I asked but she didn't say anything.

" Are you living by yourself?? " I reframed my question.

" I was living with my sister and her husband. "

"  So they must be worried... Give me the phone number of your sister or her husband. I will let them know that you met with an accident. "

" No, please let it be... I don't want to inform them. "

"  What ?? Why??  Do you want me to drop you at your home?? " I asked and a strange expression came on her face as if she was disgusted with the thought.

" No... "

" No ?? What do you mean?? "

" I am sorry... I don't mean anything, I know I must go now. " She said and started walking but winced with pain again.

" Wait !!! What are you doing?? Your foot is sprained. I didn't tell you to leave. You must take a rest. The doctor must be here anytime soon.

" I... I don't want to be a burden on you, you already did a lot for me.  I  will go away as soon as I can walk properly. "

" Oh no... That's not what I meant, you can stay as long as you want. I was just thinking that your sister must be worried. "

" No one is worried for me... I left the house last night. I can't go back to that house again.  " She said looking away.

" You left the house last night?? Why?? What happened?? "

" Please I would rather not talk about it. "

" Fine... Take rest... "

" Thanks a lot for your help. I will go away very soon. "

" But if you left your home last night, where were you planning to go?? "

" Not decided yet... "

What??? Was this girl mad??

"  What ?? Are you crazy?? How can you leave the safety of your house without planning anything?  " I said before I could stop myself.

But I should not have asked  it.. The colour of her face changed, she seemed to be frightened and lose the colour all of a sudden.

" You don't know anything, I had to leave... I was not safe there... as well."

Mohit's POV

" You don't know anything, I had to leave... I was not safe there... as well." She said in a low voice.

" What?? What happened??  " I asked.

Oh My God !!! So that dream...

" Nothing just leave all this. I don't want to bother you anymore Mohit Ji."

" It's ok, you can tell me if you want... I would not be bothered.  Where will you go?? What will you do?? "

" I haven't thought about it but I am not going back. I will find a job. "

" Were you not scared for your life? It was very dangerous to leave your house at that time of night.  "

" It didn't bother me at that time. As it is there is nothing good in my life... Listen, I am very thankful to you and I know I am sounding a bit ungrateful to you, but I don't want to talk about my life. Thanks for your concern, I will find a job.  "

Oh !! The sweet child was scared and miserable last night. I can't let her go out like that... It's not safe.

" Ok, but you can stay here till you get a job and safe accommodation. "

" How can I stay here?? "

" You are absolutely safe here. I am out for most of the day. And as it is you don't have any place to go. Consider yourself as a housemate or PG. "

" PG ?? How much do I have to pay??"

" Nothing "

" What ?? Why?? "

" This house is so big. I live alone here. I don't even use more than half of this place. It is a waste for me. "

" But, I don't want your charity... "

" It is not charity. It is just a help.  "

" It is a charity. See, I have to find a job, if you want to help, please help me find a job. "  Just then my doorbell rang and I went to open the door.

It was the lady who used to do the cleaning and make food for me. As Manu was pregnant and is at her home. So I tell this lady to make food for me sometimes. But it is usually tasteless.

" Make breakfast and lunch for two. " I instructed her.

" Ok, sir. " She said and I came back where we were.

" My cook and cleaner is here. I will tell her to clean your clothes they were covered in mud. "

" Is she the one who changed my clothes yesterday?? " she asked.

Oh, God !!

" What ?? No... No this one comes in the morning. "

" Oh ok..  "

" I have to go to work. I must go and get ready. " I said and went back to my room.

I did my daily routine, took a quick shower and got ready.

I asked her to live in my house but I knew nothing about her. How could I be so stupid??? But it seemed that she was a nice girl belonging to some good family.

I was wondering what must have happened to the girl that made her left her house?  She said that she was not safe in her home. That's why she was so scared last night and that dream... Oh, God !!

But she is not ready to tell me anything about her and I have already asked her to stay in my home. What if it is all a play?? I must know something about her.

I came out and saw that she had changed into a clean pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt. She had cleaned up nicely and was looking much better now with her long hair tamed in a high ponytail.

" See, we met under strange circumstances and didn't get a chance to get to know each other. So how about we do it now? " I said and she just kept looking at me.

" I am Mohit... Mohit Paul. And you? " I extended my hand towards her to shake hands but she just looked at my hand and seemed reluctant to shake hands with me. I pulled my hand back.

" Srusti... Mehra. "  She said meekly.

" Nice name... " I said with a friendly smile but she just kept looking at me.  She looked very young. 

" How old are you?? "

" Twenty three... "  She said. Just then my cook and cleaner said that food was ready.

I asked Srusti to join me. She walked with difficulty.

" Wait here, you have a problem in walking, I will ask her to serve breakfast here itself. "

" I can walk... " She was saying but I told the cook to serve food in the guest room.

She brought breakfast within 5 minutes. She had prepared parantha as instructed by me as I usually eat food at the office and it is always fast food.

We started eating but I didn't like the food much. I shook my head lightly and stopped eating. She kept looking at the food.

" What happened?? Didn't like it?? I know... Hey !! But how do you know?? You didn't even touch it...."

" No, it is a bit weird and embarrassing. "

" What is weird and embarrassing?? "

" This... Me staying in your home. Eating food here... "

" Oh please, it is nothing. Please don't think like that. Please have food. You need rest and energy. You can go when you are absolutely fine and have found a job and safe accommodation for you. "

" But... "

" Don't worry, you are safe here. Now have food please "

" Yes, somehow, I can feel that I am safe here.  Thank you. " She said eating without any fuss. I was trying to read her expression she looked sad and depressed.

"  You are not eating?? "

" I didn't like it much and I can't eat what I don't like. A bit choosy about food, I eat. "

" But you have not eaten much.   "

" I will order something in my office. "

" Shall I make something else for you?? "

" Oh no... You must take a rest. It's ok I usually get food ordered in my office." I said.

" Ok, if you have any job in your office please let me know... I would like to apply. "

" What are your qualifications ?? "

" I completed my graduation last year and was planning to do my post-graduation when my parents passed away in that tragic car crash. "

" So what kind of job can you handle? "

" Ummm... Any job. Er... I don't know, actually, I never thought about it, I had no idea that I would have to find a job like that one day. "  She said with a sad expression.

" I can understand... "

" But, I don't mind any job, no work is small. I can even work in your office canteen if you have one. I can cook well. "

" Seriously?? "

" What?? "

" You can cook well?? "

" Yes, very well. It's one of my favourite things. "

" Ok, then how about cooking for me?"

" I just offered to make something for you... "

" No, not right now... I mean every day. "

" Till I am here? Sure, no problem. "

" No, I mean I can give you a job as my cook. In return, I will give you a salary and you can stay here too. "

" What?? Seriously??  Are you kidding me? "

" No, I am very much serious. I am getting irritated with outside food and I don't like food made by this lady."

" But... Just like that?? You don't even know me. We don't know any about each other. "

" I already asked you to stay in my home till you get a job. "

" That was so sweet of you, but you don't even know, if I can cook or if you like the food cooked by me or not. "

" Well, that is simple, whenever you are fine enough to cook for me, prepare a meal if I like it the job is yours. "

" But I can't stay with you. "

" Why?? I swear you would be safe with me. Trust me. "

" What would people say??  "

" Where will you live?? Do you know anyone who would let you live with you?? "

" No, I don't know anyone here. I came to Delhi only after my parents died. "

" So everyone is a stranger for you. See, you need a job and I need a good cook. It is a good thing, we can help each other. It is I can't eat all my meals from outside. "

" Who was cooking for you earlier?? "

" Another lady but she had to go back to her hometown.  And my best friend used to bring lunch for me earlier. She is a fabulous cook. But she is busy these days. "

" Oh ok !! I don't know... I mean, thanks a lot. "

" Welcome, I have to leave now. " I said with a smile and left for my office.

She seemed to be a very simple and nice girl... But she was sad and scared. Somehow, I wanted to keep her safe that's why I offered her the job.

I reached the office and asked Harry to order breakfast for me. It was a long day and I got busy with my work.

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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.