Chapter 4

Mohit's POV

" Hi, dad!! Mom !! " I said to them.

" Who has called him here and why?? He doesn't care for me. He doesn't have any time for me. Tell him to go, I don't want to see him. " she said looking away from me.

" Mom !!! You are overreacting. "

" Of course, I am overreacting...   I send at least 75 messages and called at least 30 times and still, my only son never bothered to call back or come,  I am overreacting. "

" Mom I was really busy... "

" Right... Go and do whatever you were doing. Don't worry about me. Go and spend your life the way you want. How does that matter if your mom felt humiliated when her friend asked her every day that when are you taking her daughter on an outing? "

" Mom I didn't like the girl at all. "

" Why?? She is so beautiful, smart,  educated, cultured, belongs to a good family... "

" But I don't like her... I hope that also matters if I have to select someone to spend my whole life with?? "

" At least meet her once... You talked to her for merely 5 minutes and already decided that you don't like her?? "

" Exactly my point mum... I didn't want to spend more than 5 minutes with her. Why waste time in meeting her?? "

" But you don't even know her... "

" I don't even want to know her, Mum."

" Enough!!! I have had enough of this nonsense... both of you please shut up. Mohit what is the matter?? Do you like someone else?? "

" Umm Yeah... " I said and my mum got very excited all of a sudden.

"  What?? Is it?? Then why didn't you tell me?? Who is she?? Tell me I will go and talk to her and her family. "

" No mum... Please it's not like that... I need more time. "

" Why ?? If you like her, propose to her and get married. What are you waiting for ?? "

" Mom... I can't get married to h..her. please give me some time. I need time to sort out things. It is a bit complicated. "

" But you are almost 27... "

" Just 27 mum not 47... I want at least two years and I don't want you to bother me till then. "

" Are you out of your mind... You would be 29 by then. "

"  So what mum?? "

" I don't want to wait that long. "

" I can't help it.  I am in love with someone but it is complicated. I can't get married just now... I won't marry anyone else..  "

" Is it that Rathore girl, the photographer?? "

" No mom, she is just a friend and she is happily married. Leave her out of it. "

" But 2 years is too long, at least tell me who is she?? "

" No mum... "

" See it doesn't matter to us if she is poor or rich or of she is from another caste or religion. We don't mind, as long as the girl is good... "

" Mom, please... Give me some time... Or forget about it. "

" Mohit !!! "

" No mum... "

" Will you both please shut up?? Ok, Mohit, you get your two years, but if you don't sort out your complicated situation by that, then I won't listen.  After these two years, if you are not settled down, you would have to marry the girl we choose for you. Is this arrangement ok with you?  "  Dad said looking into my eyes.

I had no other option but to say yes, at least my family would leave me alone for 2 years. 2 long years of peace...

I nodded and we had a truce... They would not bother me for 2 long years now.

I felt so relieved and free I called Robin and we planned and went for a small holiday in France. Those days were so carefree and beautiful.

Two and a half year later...

Mohit's POV

It has been almost 2 years and 7 months since that fateful day when my dad had called me home.

2 years which looked like a very long happy period at that point, seemed to fly away at a supersonic speed.

Robin and I went on at least 6 romantic and carefree trips to the various countries of the world as we both were creative people and could do our work from any part of the world. He kept composing his music and I kept designing the dresses during our long holidays.

In fact, as we both were happy, it reflected in our work as well and my designs and his music both came out to be even better.

We got even more work and we both got very busy. Manu was taking care of my office in my absence as she still shared the workspace with me. Even Sahil felt that hat it was safer if she kept working here with me.

But then 6 months back she got pregnant and as she was carrying twins, she had to take things easy... So now I couldn't go out that easily.

And as my 2 years were over, my family was again after me k ke anything.

I said that I had to go out for my work and operated from Mumbai for almost the first 2 months. Robin was giving music in a few films so he was in Mumbai most of the times.  

But then as Manu took the maternity break, I had to be here. Since then my mom has arranged many meetings with various girls. My sister has been trying to pair me up with her younger friends or the younger sisters of her friends.

I had been trying every trick to avoid them. I could easily write a book on how to say no to a marriage alliance. And if I ever get it published, I was sure that it would be the best sellers of the century.

So I managed to escape for around  7 months after those 2 careful years.

It was evening, to bead planning to go home when my phone started buzzing. I was shocked when I got a call from a hospital. They told me that my mom was hospitalized.

I was shocked and rushed there. I asked the doctor about my mom's health and he said that she was highly stressed. Her BP was too much and her suger level was too low.

I saw my mom lying on that hospital bed and ran towards her my grandmother and sister were also there. My dad was out of Delhi at that time.

" Mum !!! " I said and held her hand but she turned her face and pulled her hand out of mine.

" What have you done to yourself mom?? " I asked. Her face looked pale. She looked weak, I turned her face towards me but she turned her face away again.

" Mom, I am talking to you. " I said.

" Mom... !!!  " I said in a louder voice.

"  Maya, tell him to go away, I don't want to talk to him or see his face. "

" Oh, mum  !! Why are you saying that? "

" Maya, tell him to go...  it does not matter to him that his family is suffering. "

" Please don't say that mum, I love you all. "

" You love us?? Oh please, you never call or visit us, forget that you don't even rerun my calls. "

" That's because you all want me to get married while I don't want that. "

" So?? You said that you wanted 2 years and we have you. What is the problem?? Who is that girl?? If you can't talk to her, then I will. " Mom said.

" No mum... Leave that, I just can't get married to one I love, so I don't want to marry ever... Just please let it be. Please can we not just discuss this?? "

" Do whatever you want to do. But I would also not take medicines. I don't want a longer life like this. What would I do in a longer life?? Sulk more that my son doesn't want to get married. " She got a bit hyper.

" Mom please cool down... Why don't you understand... I don't want to get married. "

" Ok, son fine... I can understand, even I don't want to live. " I got scared that her condition might get worsen.

" Mom !!! "

" No, enough is enough... Either you find a suitable and beautiful girl of your own choice or our choice and get married to her within a month or I will lose interest in my life. I don't want to live. "

" Mom this is absurd.... "

" I have already said what I had to. "

" Maya, Dadi maa put some sense and into her. This sheer blackmail. "

Mohit's POV

" Maya, Dadi maa put some sense into her. This is sheer blackmail. "

" No, she is absolutely right, I will also support your mom and do the same. She might survive as she is quite young as compared to me, but I am literally living on medicines. I won't survive if I stop taking them. But why would I want to live a longer life?? To. see you ruining your life?? No, I don't want to live either. " Daadi ma said.

" What has gotten into everyone?? "

" Go from here, but don't take my warning lightly or you would regret it later on. " Mom said bitterly.

" Maya... Say something to both of them. "

" What shall I say, they both are elder than me. I may not agree with their way to persuade you. But they are right, it is high time, you must settle down now. " She said.

" Has everyone gone mad?? "

" Go and think about it, but you have only one month to get married or you would lose one of us. Most probably it would be me. I don't want to die before I meet your wife or play with your children. I was living my life in the hope to see them soon but I don't want to live if there is no hope of seeing them. There is no motivation left in my life. " My daadi ma said.

" Dadi maa.. please don't talk like that, I love you... "

" You have exactly I month to find a bride for yourself and prove your love towards me or daadi ma now leave... I don't want to see you. You avoided me for too long... One month son... All the best. "

" That is not fair... I don't want to marry at all. "

" The ball is in your court now... That's all I have to say. No more discussion on it. " Mom said and just then the doctor came and asked me to come out when he saw us.

"Mr Paul, your mom is already under stress please stop this discussion. It will increase her anxiety. It would not be good for her health. " He said and I nodded and came out of the hospital.

Now, what was that?? What would I do now?? They all were against me now...

It was raining heavily, I was driving towards my penthouse and was still trying to find out a way to get out of the situation.

All of a sudden someone came running out of nowhere and before I could understand anything my car hit him hard.

I was so shocked, there was no one around as it was about 11 PM. I got out of my car and saw someone lying on the road. He was wearing a sweatshirt with a hoodie and blue denim.

Shit !!! What have I done??

I could not see the face. I went even closer to check if he was alright or not. I could feel the pulse. So at least he was alive.

I shook him lightly but it seemed that he was unconscious. I had to take him to the hospital. I picked him up on my shoulder. he was clutching a bag.

He was too light in weight and too soft. Must be a teenager boy. I placed him in my car and I started my car again and turned my car towards the hospital.

No !!! I can't do it...

I could not take him to the hospital as there might be a case against me. The reporters might make a hill out of a mole. I was already in tension. Could not add more to my miseries.

So I thought of taking him to my home instead of a hospital. I would call my doctor at home.

I turned to go to my penthouse. I parked my car near the lift and called the guard. I took out the young boy and picked him again. I gave the keys to the guard and asked him to open the door of my home.

I took the boy to the guest room. His clothes were absolutely wet and dirty as he had fallen due to the accident.

I could not leave him like that, he would get catch a cold or get a fever as well. So I got one of my t-shirt and shorts.

I called the doctor and pulled his sweatshirt over his head.

Oh, God !! What the hell !!

Oh shit !!! He was not a teenager boy, he was a girl... Shit... I mean she was a girl.

How could I be so stupid ?? Her body was lighter and soft...

It was a girl. Her long black hair came out of the knot she must have made of them to keep them under her hoodie.

But what was she doing running on the streets at that hour of the night??

What made her run like a maniac in the heavy rain???

Was she running after doing something wrong?? Could I trust her ?? Should I call the police??

No... I couldn't they would ask me why I didn't take her to a hospital if I hit her by accident. So I thought to wait till she came back to her senses.

But the poor thing looked like a drowned rat. Absolutely soaking wet due to heavy rain. I could not change her clothes. But she had almost started shivering.

There was no one else in my home one lady comes in the morning for cleaning my penthouse. She did the occasional cooking whenever I told her but I didn't like the food made by her.

I could not let her shiver like that, she was lying unconscious here because of me. So I switched off the lights and changed her clothes with a bit of difficulty. She was shivering so badly.

Her family would be worried about her. I should inform them, but I didn't know anything about the girl. So I thought to wait till she was back in her senses.

By the time doctor had come, I had changed her clothes. She was still unconscious. He checked her and told me that her foot seemed to have twisted as it was swollen now and there were scratches on her knees and arms.

" Other than a few scratches from the accident and a twisted foot, she seems to be fine physically... but there is a chance that she is in a mental shock. Let her sleep. We will get to know in the morning when she is awake. I will come back in the morning but If you need me before that just give me a call." He said and went away.

I closed the door and after giving a look at the girl one more time, I came back to my room.

Who was she?? I hope I didn't do a mistake in bringing her home with me. But she looked like a simple girl.

I didn't know what I did was right or wrong but one thing was final that I could not take her to hospital and would not have left her there to die at any cost.

I changed my clothes too which were damp too. l got into my bed and kept thinking about whatever was happening to me.

My whole family was after my life to get married to a girl. I was in a relationship with another man. My dad would shoot me if they get this idea. He would never understand that my sexual orientation was different from others. I was more attracted to men.

I was not scared of my dad, I was not ashamed of my sexuality, but I didn't want to give tension to my mom or dadi ma. They would literally die of a heart attack. It was something they could not even imagine in their dreams. It was almost a sin for them.

I have always been very close to my Daadi ma (grandmother). She was a sweetheart, my first girlfriend. I could not give a shock to her.

I wanted to be with Robin, now and forever... But this was not possible. Even his open-minded parents were not comfortable with the idea. They were still ok that we had a relationship but even they would want him to marry a girl.

I wish I was with Robin right now... We were in an open relationship but still, we both felt something for each other. I wanted to share my problems with him. He was also getting pressurized by his parents to get married to a girl.

I called him and asked him when would he be back but he told me that he was literally busy in Mumbai. I planned to go and meet him if he could not come but he said he would not be able to take out time even if I go there. I could understand him so I dropped the idea.

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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.