
Mohit's POV

I went to her and hugged her. She was really beautiful and elegant. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me hard.

" I am so glad you came, mum... " I said.

" I had to... It's my only son's exhibition. I would not have missed it for anything at all. "

" Love you, mum.... "

" Love you too son, but I have not come alone, my friend and her daughter are also here. Here meet Mira Khanna and her very pretty daughter Tanvi. " Mom said with a huge smile.

Oh no!!! Not again... Not with so many people around.

But they were already here. I could not avoid them so I took a deep breath and tried to smile politely.

" Hello Mrs Khanna, I am so glad you could accompany her. Please enjoy the show but you would have to excuse me as I am a little busy today." I smiled at them politely but I was fuming inside.

Why did mom have to bring them along with her?

" Yeah sure beta, but if you are so busy why don't you take Tanvi with you... She would help you. "

" No, actually I don't need help. Everything has been taken care of. I just need to meet and talk to my guests. And make a few appearances on the stage. "

" All the more reason to take her with you... She would look good beside you like a hot and beautiful date. " Mom suggested.

Hot??? I didn't find her hot. My models were much hotter than her. I was always surrounded by them.

" I am sorry mum but this exhibition is very important to me and Tanvi is just too hot for me to handle right now. I want my full concentration on my work. I can't afford to lose my sanity. I hope you understand Tanvi..." I said and smiled sweetly at her and she flashed her smile at me.

" Yeah...I do... Thanks for the compliment. Maybe we should meet some other time. "  She said with a confident smile.

" Absolutely... I am a bit preoccupied today and your beautiful face is distracting me a lot. "

" Ok... No problem... you are very talented. May your exhibition be very successful. " She said and hugged me. I smiled before taking my leave.

I told Harry to assign someone to be around in case mom needed anything, and keep them away from me, specially that girl.

The fashion show started and the models started going on the stage. People were clapping. Just then, I looked at Manu.

I was mesmerized to see her. She was... Awesome... Amazing... Beautiful just beautiful. Sahil might go mad today.

I realised that Manu was a bit nervous, I went to her caught her hand and went on the stage as she was the show stopper and she looked every bit like a show stopper. Everyone was clapping, 

I had to address the people, so I started saying. " Ladies and gentlemen, all the dresses and attires are there in the catalogue given to you. You can order looking from there. But 15 of my best creations will be auctioned and the highest bidder will take the Outfit away. " There was another round of applause.

All of the models went inside and another round of bridal wears started and models came and went away flaunting their dresses followed by none other than Manu, wearing a very light peach coloured lehenga. It was one of my finest creation.

It was very beautiful, delicate and elegant just like one who was wearing it. She looked like a beautiful bride. A beautiful blushing bride.

I was standing with her on stage.  Everyone was clapping. Most of the people wanted to know about the model who was the show stopper.

I introduced Manu and people applauded as most people knew her by name but only a few people knew her by face and she looked very different, just like a fashion Diva or supermodel.  I also told everyone about her work.

The reporters asked a few questions about my work. And I replied all of them also giving her the credit of our success. It was overdue...

Her pictures made my designs look more vibrant and colourful.

The auction started and when the dress came which Manu had worn earlier, Sahil bid for the highest amount which was 8 lakh.

Manu was standing on the stage in the same dress she wore in the end. When that lehenga came, he again bid for it but another man kept increasing the bid. The dress which was worth about 5 lakh only, had reached up to 9 lakh.

What was he doing and why?? He could buy it later if he wanted. I would have made the same dress again. And I never charge extra from Manu. Why was he hell-bent to spend so much?

Manu was not even paying heed, she was lost somewhere till now.  But now her interest was back when he increased the bit, she must have recognised her husband's voice.

She was shocked and surprised as hell. Her eyes sparkled and she gave him a very beautiful smile. The bid had reached up to 10 lakh by now. Then another man increased it to 10.5 lakh.

But Sahil again made it 11 lakh. She looked at him and shook her head but that lovesick man kept looking at her.

" 11.5 lakh. " Another man said while Sahil Malhotra smiled and kept looking at his beautiful wife. She shook her head but I think he wanted her to have this one.

He finally said, " 13 lakh. " The other man shrugged and shook his head.

The bidder counted till 3 and banged the small gong. Sahil Malhotra won that bid and with that, the auction was over as well.

" And this design goes to Mr Malhotra. It was also the dress with the highest selling price. Mr Malhotra, can you please come up on the stage? " The bidder said and he came upon the stage.

Manu and I were already on the stage. He came and stood by Manu.

" Thanks a lot for your appreciation. Did you really liked them so much?"  I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

" Most of the dresses were very good, but these two looked amazing, especially when she is wearing them.  My beautiful wife, Manyata Sahil Malhotra a.k.a. Manyata Singh Rathore looked like a beautiful blushing bride in them. " He said looking at her. She blushed even more. He held her hand in his and kissed it.

The audience gave a big round of applause. He gave away the check for both the dresses.

The reporters started taking pictures of Manu. They even asked for the interview but she politely told them that she was rather busy at the moment so if they can arrange it later, it was fine with her.

In the meanwhile, I was standing beside Sahil. He was smiling like anything.

" Thanks for selecting her to be the show stopper. She looked awesome." He said to me, I smiled.

" What?? Why are you smiling like that?" He asked.

" I can tell you something if you promise not to punch me and definitely not tell Manu about it. " I said going closer to him and whispered looking at her.

" What have you done?? " He raised one of his eyebrows at me.

Oh God !!! He was hot as hell.

" Promise me first... " I insisted.

" Ok... shoot,"  he said finally.

" I had not selected any supermodel for these two dresses. I planned to make the only manu wear it. I wanted her to wear them. She is my best friend, I wanted her to get recognition. "

" You know what?? You are really a very good friend. Thank you for everything. " He said and I  just shrugged.

" Tell me something I already don't know... " I said with a smile, he smiled too.

" You bought the best dresses, but do you know, the dress was not worth more than 5 lakh. " I said with a smile when we got aside.

" You are wrong Mohit, it had become priceless, the moment my bride wore it. How could I let a dress go to someone else, which my wife wore? " He winked at me and I nodded.

Manu was coming towards us and I saw Sahil going crazy. He was in his own world.

" So Mohit, now that her work is completed, can she leave with me? " Sahil asked me.

" She can if you both want to... " I said and looked at her.

He extended a hand towards her. She looked at him shyly and placed her hand on his.

Mohit's POV

They took my leave after I whispered  to them  to use protection. Manu glared at me while he laughed and winked at me.

Though theirs was a forced marriage,  but  they were so much in love with each other now. They were lucky that they were together after a bumpy start.

I missed Robin... I wanted him by me right now. But it was not the time to sulk about it.

Sahil had requested me to get their room decorated with flowers and candles.

I had instructed the hotel to do everything and they assured me that it would be done very nicely. I also sent some snacks and chocolates.

We had a Hi tea party right after the exibition. The moment I turned, I almost bumped into... Tanvi Khanna.

Oh God !! This girl was getting on my nerves  now.

" Mohit... It was a wonderful exhibition. I loved it. Your designs are awesome. I got 3 dresses for myself."

" Awww that's great... My dresses would look even better on you. " I smiled politely.

" I was thinking, as the exibition is over and it was tremendously successful, shall we go out and celebrate? "

This is too much... Is this girl totally stupid?? This is my exibition and I have a party now. How can she expect me to go out with her?

" Ummm... actually I can't leave from here while I have guests here. And moreover, I am really tired as I worked continuously for the last week. So I think we would have to do that next week. "

" What nonsense Mohit?? Take her out for dinner tomorrow. " Mom suggested not too lightly. She was trying to impose her on me. I was getting irritated.

" Mom Please... I am tired and have not slept properly for more than a week. I want to chill out and most of all want to sleep. "

" You can't possibly sleep for the whole week. " She glared at me.

" I have other appointments. "

" Tell Harry to cancel them. "

" Mom I can't.... Ok fine !!! I will see, when can we go out and will text you the time and place. Now I need to go. My other guests are also here and the reporters wanted my interview. Bye mom, Thanks Mrs Khanna for coming along. " I said and left before any of them could say anything.

I was getting sick and tired of the match making done by my mom, sister and my grandmother. They were hell bent to get me married as soon as possible.

The exhibition was successful and after the party, the guests had gone and all the models and other people who worked for me were winding up their things. I thanked everyone and I also went to the room I had  booked for myself.

I changed and got into my bed and wanted to face time with Robin. I missed him, wanted him beside me.

I saw that he was still composing. His hair looked ruffled. He must have been really too busy to miss me. But he smiled when he saw me. My mood lit up a bit at that moment only.

" Hey !!! How are you love?? How was your exibition? I am sure you sold every single design of yours. " he said with love in his eyes.

" It was a great exibition... Very successful. But missed you a lot, Robin. "

" I know, I also wanted to be there besides you... But you know that I was very busy or I would have been there with you. But atleast your... best friend was with you... Right?? "

" Robin !! How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to feel jealous of Manyata. She is just my best friend. I love her as I should love my best friend. And as it is... "

" But you once thought about getting married to her... and don't bother to deny that, you told that to me yourself. "

" For God's sake Robin, that was atleast a month ago... You are still stuck to that...  I told you why I did that. She had to get married to someone to please her parents and so do I. It would have been just a cover. I don't have such feeling for her. I like you..."

" I don't know... I am not feeling good... Why do you need a cover at all? Listen Mohit, you have got to understand that what we have between us is not forbidden... It is called love... It is even legal now.  For God's sake don't make sound like a sin. "

" Of course... It is love... I know it is not a sin... But I have to consider the emotions of my family too. They would never accept it. "

" Why ?? Atleast try to tell them... They would understand. "

" No they won't. My mom is making me go crazy... She wants me to get married and have kids. "

" Wow!! And you are planning to do just that... Aren't you?? "

" No I am not... Robin please yaar... You could tell your parents about it because they are very open minded and they have a progressive thinking. They don't think that it is a sin but still even they are not very comfortable with us spending our lives together openly. "

" But you have to tell them someday... We can't go on like this. "

" But  Robin, my parents are different. They will not be able to tolerate it. "

" Listen Mohit, I love you a lot. I want you in my life but I hate it when you can't accept it. It's better you get married to your best friend Manyata only. " he said in a condescending way.

" Hold on... I am not getting married to her. I am not  in love with her...  And anyways she is happily married now with a very hot and handsome man. Her husband is hot as hell and they are head over heels in love with eachother. They are leaving for their honeymoon first thing in the morning. "

" Oh !! So you are already missing her. Feeling low that she is out of reach now?? "

" Have you gone mad, Robin? Please listen to what you are saying. Or please pay heed to what I am saying. I love you not her or anyone else... But I can't tell my parents. "

" Ok fine... I understand it's just I get annoyed at times. On top of that I have so much work load. Sorry, I snapped at you.  " he said with a cute pout.

" Awwww... So all is well between us... ? "

" It is, but tell me one thing are you attracted to Manyata's husband?? "

" Oh my God!!  Well, yes momentarily, I was.  But he is my best friend's husband and I love you.... Will you stop it now... "

" Ok... But stay away from him. "

" I like it when you get jealous over me. But what about you?? Are you dating someone there?? "

" Yeah, just a few casual dates, but nothing serious, so chill... "

He said he also missed me a lot and that he would have to stay in mumbai for another week.

I felt so bad and decided that if I could take out some time, I would go and be with him in mumbai. But it seemed impossible as I had lots and lots of requests from my guests and clients.

So I was a bit upset as I had to wait for another week to be with him.


It was almost a week since the exhibition. I have been able to dodge my mom's every attempt to throw Ms Khanna and me in a situation together.

She sent me countless messages reminding me that I had to take Tanvi on a dinner date.

I didn't like the girl at all even to spend a few hours with her and my mom wanted me to spend my life with her.

She called at my office and even Harry but I was out of reach by any channel.

Finally she got annoyed with me and gave up with me. I was happy but my happiness was short lived as my dad called me home and I had to go. 

I reached home and saw that mum and dad were having tea in the living room.

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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.