Chapter 4

Manyata's POV

We came back after dinner. I was alone in the room as Swati was with aunty and her brothers. I didn't want to intrude on them, so I came back to my room. I checked my phone again and saw a message from a model. She wanted to go get her younger sister's portfolio done by me.

I told her that I was in Chandigarh and would come in a month. if she wanted it sooner, she could get it done by someone else.

But she replied instantly that she would gladly wait for me.

I always had a passion for photography. I used to click the pictures of various places and beautiful natural things like flowers, sunrise, sunsets, birds. Everyone used to praise my pictures and I sent them in many competitions and my pictures got prizes. They were well appreciated.

I worked in an ad agency and quickly I gained recognition as a glamour photographer. Gradually people around me started to request me to click their portfolios. I started to take my assignments of taking pictures for the models and film stars. I submitted my pictures in fashion magazines and finally when they got published in them. I started getting recognition and fashion designers started hiring me to shoot their work...

I found a very famous fashion photographer and persuaded him to be my mentor. I showed him my work and he got very impressed with me. I helped him out in his assignments and begin learning the basics of photography business from him

Then I did an internship with a professional photographer in Paris. I created my online portfolio website.

With God's grace, I am an upcoming freelance fashion photographer now. All the top models and fashion designers want to work with me now.

But since the first time we worked together, Mohit works only with me.

We met at an exhibition where my pictures were also displayed. He liked my work a lot and one of his regular model who was with him at that time told him, that he got his portfolio clicked by me about a year ago. The pictures were good enough to get him lots of work.

He offered me to click pictures for his upcoming summer collection.

I did that and the pictures came out to be so good that some of them got selected in the top magazines. His designs and my photography clicked together and now we are a famous fashion designer and fashion photographer combination.

We both got benefitted by each other's work. So we work together. His spring collection was also done by me and those pictures compete in Lakme fashion week.

We gradually became friends. Mohit is a very sweet person but he is very open-minded being a fashion designer. He always talks like that and makes me blush.

Swati came to the room bringing me back, out of my thoughts.

" Hey, Manu why are you sitting here alone, come we all were sitting there and missing you. "

" I thought you all were sitting and I didn't want to intrude. So I ... "

" What nonsense... Come with me.. " she literally dragged me to the living room.

" See Bhai, she was sitting alone in the room and when I asked her to come with me, she said that didn't want to intrude... "

" What? Did you say that Manu? " Sagar Ji asked.

" Ji... I meant to say... "

" No manu, how can you say that?? You are just like family to us. "

" Ji.. "

" So don't ever say that again. " He said looking into my eyes. I just nodded.

They kept talking and discussing the marriage.

" I talked with dad, he will come by lunch tomorrow. " Sagar Ji said. Aunty and Swati were very excited.

" Wow!! I haven't met my dad for so long.. you would love to meet him too. " She said and I got so emotional that I could not control and a few tears escaped my eyes and I rushed out of there.

My dad was not well and when he got all his tests done, we came to know that he was suffering from cancer. Fortunately, it was in initial stages and the doctor said that it can be treated.

We all were shocked, my mom was so scared. She called up Malhotra uncle. As he was my dad's very good friend. They were planning to start something together when all this happened.

When Swati talked about uncle, I couldn't contain my tears. I had wanted to go with my parents. But uncle went with them and he suggested that I should not go as my dad would be very worried. My mom and dad were already stressed about me.

Uncle suggested that my father must go abroad for the treatment.  so he went to the USA for his treatment. Uncle was there to support him.

My dad wanted me to do MBA so that I could take care of his business and his properties but I had my own passion and we always argued about it but my dad never stopped me from doing whatever I wanted to do.

I knew that he was a bit stressed but I was too young at that time and I didn't know that he was suffering from cancer I was feeling very bad that my dad was stressed because of me. He wanted me to get settled.

So even though I was in a strange situation I could not even tell my parents about it.

I called them every alternate day to ask about his health and told them that I was absolutely happy living with Malhotras'.

I wanted to talk to them right away but right now I felt very emotional and I didn't want to give him any stress. I ran out of the house and cried.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Sagar Ji standing there.

" What happened Manu?? "

" I am sorry Sagar Ji, I  didn't want to react like that but I am missing my dad too much. You talked to uncle, did he say, how is my dad? "

" Yes, dad said that your dad is taking the treatment very well. He will be absolutely fine very soon. "

" Oh thank God !! I am really thankful to uncle for being there with my parents. " I hiccuped and he held my hand between his.

" You don't have to be thankful. That's what friends are for. Our dads are such good friends... Why did you say that you don't want to intrude? You are as much a part of this family as we are. Never say that again."

He said like an elder brother, someone I never had and I nodded. A few more tears slid out of my eyes.

" Please don't cry... You need to be strong for yourself and your family. "

" Ji... " I wiped my tears and he side hugged me.

I was going back to my room when I saw Sahil coming towards me. I looked downwards as I didn't want him to see my red eyes.

" What happened?? " he asked me softly.

" N..nothing... "

" Then why did you cry? " he asked softly.

" I didn't. "

" I saw tears... " he was hell-bent to ask.

" Something got into my eyes. "

" Are you alright? "

" Yeah... Absolutely. Thanks. '

" Ok, good night. "

" Good night. "

I ran towards my room. Swati was waiting for me...

" Did I say something wrong Manu?? "  Swati asked me.

" No, why are you asking that? "I asked her.

"  Because I was talking to you and you started crying all of a sudden and then ran out of the room. "

" No dear,  it's just that I am missing my parents very badly.  Your dad is there with them and he is coming back so I was concerned about my dad's health. But just now, Sagar Ji told me that, my dad is doing well.  The treatment is working and he will be fine soon. Now I am fine.. "

" That's really good to know, that uncle is doing well. I hope he becomes absolutely alright and comes back very soon. Are you sure, you are fine? Please don't ever cry again,  we all are here for you. " She said so sweetly. I hugged her.

Sahil's POV

Why did she cry when Swati was talking about dad?? Why did she run away from the room?

Mom and Sagar also went to their rooms.

" What happened to her? " I asked Swati

" I don't know, maybe she missed her parents. " she looked a bit confused too.

" Then why she is staying away from them? " I asked.

" She is a photographer, she has an assignment to complete, she is supposed to click pictures of 5 beautiful places like this beautiful city and places around it. She would have to make a cover story on them. That's why she is staying here." She said.

"  How did the two of you became friends? " I asked again.

" She was studying in Canada as well. " She said casually.

" Oh ok... I am really tired I must go and sleep now.. good night Sweetie.. "

" Bhai, it is Swati.. you know that I don't like being called Sweetie. "

" But you love sweets and I love calling you Sweetie. "

" Fine. I will not talk to you. "

" Ok... Sorry swee... Swati. " I smiled at her and kissed her on her forehead and went towards my room.

I saw Manu coming towards me. She was looking downwards.

" What happened?? " I asked her when she came closer to me.

" N..nothing... " she said but didn't look at me.

" Then why did you cry? " I couldn't stop myself from asking. Though I knew, she won't tell me.

" I didn't. "

" I saw tears... "

" Something got into my eyes," she said still not looking at me even once.

" Are you alright? " I asked again.

Why am I even bothered? She doesn't even want to look at me.

" Yeah... Absolutely. Thanks. '

" Ok, good night. "

" Good night. "

She said and ran towards her room.

Oh, so she is a photographer..... That's why she was clicking pictures of everything.

But what is her problem with me?? Just because I thought that she was Swati and picked up her ??

She must be insane...

Hey, but why was I even thinking about her??...she was just a very boring girl...

I had more pressing issues to think about. Dad was coming the next day and he would again be after my life. I was sick of that matter. He wanted me to spend my life with the daughter of his friend who lived in Jodhpur.

Actually, he wanted Sagar to come to Jodhpur,  but as Sagar could not leave Damini alone at that time. So I went to help my dad. When I reached there instead of Sagar, dad asked me why did I come instead of Sagar?

I told him that Sagar was busy. He told me that he wanted Sagar to get married to the daughter of his friend here in Jodhpur.

I told him that Sagar was madly in love with someone for the last ten years and he would never get married to any other girl than Damini.

My dad said, "  I have already given my words to my friend that my son would get married to his daughter. "

" But how can I help it? Sagar would not marry her or anyone else than Damini and I will not marry anyone .. "

He tried every trick in the book to get me married to that girl. He tried emotional blackmail, he even threatened me that he would never talk to me again and that I would not have any right on his properties and business.

I avoided my dad for days and we did not even talk to each other. I don't know why that girl got ready to get married to me. Was she so incapable of finding a guy for her own?

She hasn't even replied to the papers I sent her. How can she not react to that?? I hate that brainless and spineless girl... Manyata Singh Rathore.

Her name does not suit her. I thought she must be a girl with an amazingly strong personality. But she looked some like, some crying teenager to me. Though I didn't bother to look at her I saw how she was dressed. It looked as if she didn't know anything about fashion. Her hair was tied up in a messy knot and she was wearing oversized pullover on jeans.

We both were in the same room. But I didn't even want to look at her. I mean imagine that I didn't even look at her... So either she was not a girl or I had gone blind.

When her parents told her that they wanted to get her married to me, she didn't even say anything, she just kept crying meekly.

I hate her with everything in me.

We met two times but I never saw her properly. I didn't want to.

They wanted to merge the business and as she was not interested in her dad's business, I would have become a partner from our family.

But I didn't want that too. Why should I sacrifice my life for that good for nothing girl?

So with the help of my best friend Samar, I sent her a proposal. But I think she is so dim wit that she didn't understand what was written there.

Anyone would have reacted after reading that... But there is no reaction from her...

What would I say to my dad now? He would throw me out of his business and life. I care a damn about business and property. But I love my family a lot. I can't even think about living without them. But the problem is that I can't even live my life with that girl.

What would I say, when dad would ask me about her. I tried to find her but I didn't know much about her.

I am scared dad will not even let me attend Sagar's wedding.

I can't give stress to Sagar at this time. He is so happy after so many years I can't discuss anything with him.

And mom already was stressed about the tension between dad and me.

I would have to stay away from dad as much as possible.

I was just getting irritated with all that. So I decided to go out with my friends the next day.

I called up Mitali and told her that I am free.


I got up and went out to my balcony. Samar's car was parked there what was he doing so early in the morning I look at the time it was 9 AM.

I freshen up and went downstairs Sagar and Samar were sitting in the living room.

" Come Sahil, have breakfast. " Sagar said and I nodded and smiled.

I said hello to Samar and he smiled at me. " Good morning  Sahil... "

" Hey Samar, I am going out in the evening, would you like to come? "

" Oh !!!  Mitali?? " Samar raised his eyebrows and  I smiled a bit.

" Who is Mitali?? " Sagar asked me too quickly.

" My date for tonight... " I said.

" But Sahil.. how can you go on a date?? "

" Why?? Why can't I go on a date? " I asked him. He was so surprised to hear that.

" She was hot and was very eager to go out with him last night. " Samar smirked.

" I mean... Dad is coming back after so many days, how can you go today? "

" I am going, Sagar... As it is dad won't be too happy to meet me. " I said and Samar coughed a bit.

I know that was his way of telling me that I had to control and not spill the beans.

" Why would he not be happy to see you after so long? Have you done anything wrong?? " Sagar asked me looking directly into my eyes.

" Sagar, I have not done anything wrong. It's dad ... Let it be, he had been trying to control my life lately and I don't want that. "

" He is our dad and he loves us a lot. He would be hurt if you don't stay home. " Sagar said again.

" It will be good If I go away as he would start doing that again and then everyone's mood would be spoilt. " I said looking out of the window.

" Sahil, why are you saying that?  " Sagar asked that.

" I am very hungry, let's have food. " I said avoiding that topic. 

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Chhavi Gupta writes funny, flirty, and moderately steamy contemporary romances that celebrate our multicultural Indian society. Her books have received praise and recognition from the readers from all over the world. Writing a novel had been on her bucket list for last few years and eventually, with 'The Accidental Bride' which she wrote in August, 2019, it became a reality. She has written a whole series of books since then . It is called 'Over Possessive Husbands' (OPH). She loves to play a matchmaker, where the bold heroes have endearing flaws, the women are stronger than they look. In her stories, Indian culture, values and chivalry are very much alive. She has been an avid romance reader in college. Now she spends her days plotting stories about imperfect characters finding their perfect match. Chhavi lives in New Delhi with her husband and their two cute daughters. She has published 22 books online which have gained a lot of positive response.